Figure Eight Yacht Management

Meet our Team

No fuss, no frills – just a team determined to raise the bar and set a new standard in the industry.

In 2020, Figure Eight Yacht Management set sail with a clear mission. The brainchild of maritime enthusiasts Theodora Taylor Franks, Helen Eltringham, and Erin Campbell, our journey began with a simple realization: the maritime world needed a shake-up.

From private yacht owners to crew members and the booming charter sector, there was a glaring lack of comprehensive support. Fueled by this insight and a hefty dose of passion, we charted a course to revolutionize yacht management specializing in sailing yachts up to 24meters.

With backgrounds deeply rooted in the yachting industry, we understand the ins and outs of yacht management from various perspectives. What sets us apart? Not only are we women in the yachting industry, but we also stand for inclusivity and diversity. We believe that everyone deserves a seat at the table, and we’re committed to providing comprehensive support to private yacht owners, crew members, and the booming charter sector.

No fuss, no frills – just a team determined to raise the bar and set a new standard in the industry.

Coding Queen, Fine Details, Yacht Manager

Helen Eltringham

Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Helen Eltringham, your go-to gal for all things yacht management and international code & compliance wizardry. With a passport stamped from the Caribbean to Turkey and Greece, I’ve sailed many seas and mastered the art of compliance like it’s nobody’s business.

But wait, there’s more! Behind this nautical prowess lies an organizational whiz. I’m the maestro orchestrating the behind-the-scenes magic, managing yachts for charter fleets with finesse.

Now, let me paint you a picture of my sailing soul: Sailing holidays to me mean throwing that pesky alarm clock overboard, indulging in mouthwatering local cuisine, sharing laughter with fellow sea enthusiasts, and exploring both the beaten and not-so-beaten tracks. Oh, and let’s not forget the thrill of splashing in turquoise waters!

My love affair with boats began early, spending weekends and holidays immersed in boat life as a child and young adult. It wasn’t until university beckoned and I found myself yearning for those salty sea breezes that I truly appreciated the magic of yacht life. From that moment on, I knew yachts would forever be a part of my life’s voyage.

Throughout my journeys, I’ve been blessed to sail in some of the world’s most stunning destinations – from the sun-kissed shores of Turkey and Greece to the serene waters of the British Virgin Islands, and even closer to home in the picturesque Lake District and Cornwall.

It’s my passion to ensure every fine detail is accounted for, guaranteeing your vessel is in capable hands and ready for unforgettable journeys on the water. So let’s set sail so you can create memories that will be cherished for a life-time.

Reach out:-


The Red Pen, Compliance & Occasional Yacht Manager

Theodora Taylor Franks

Hello there – I’m Theodora Taylor Franks, but you can call me Thea. I’m the legal eagle at Figure Eight, I’m your go-to gal for all things legal, contracts, insurance, and everything in between. Also known as the plate spinner, job juggler, and everything-elser, consider me your passerelle, the bridge between land and your yacht.

Born and bred a globe-trotter, I’ve danced my way through different countries since day one. From savoring exotic cuisines to soaking up diverse cultures and languages, I’m always thirsty for new adventures. And let’s not forget the weather – 28+ degrees? Count me in!

In my early twenties, I traded in my desk job for a life at sea as a full-time professional sailor. Yep, you heard that right – I’m not just your average landlubber. With countless miles under my belt, I’ve sailed across oceans, embracing the wind and waves as my playground.

While Europe holds a special place in my heart, my soul yearns for the hustle and bustle of Asia, where I’ve spent many sun-kissed days and moonlit nights. And let’s not forget the Middle East, where my childhood memories dance among ancient landscapes and vibrant cultures.

When I’m not plotting global adventures or keeping the ship afloat, you’ll find me elbow-deep in DIY projects at my renovation house or happily muttering about pollinators in my garden. Oh, and did I mention I’m on a mission to sail around the world? Stay tuned – the adventure is just beginning!

Drop me a line at:-


Crew Training Jedi, Tech Lead & Yacht Manager

Erin Campbell

Hi! I’m Erin Campbell – born and bred on the sunny shores of the East Coast of Australia, but Greece has stolen my heart and become my home away from home. My journey into the world of yachting started as a part-time university gig, but let’s just say the allure of the tourism and yachting industries reeled me in hook, line, and sinker.

Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of crewing on a plethora of yachts scattered across the globe. From hosting day trips, spotting humpback whales, orchestrating high-end corporate charters and weddings to luxury crewed sailing holidays, my yachting adventures have always been customer-focused.

My true passions lie in educating, training, and supporting crew members to reach their full potential in this demanding and challenging industry. Yachting isn’t all smooth sailing, but with the right guidance and foundations, crews can navigate the waves with ease and longevity. I’m here to help ensure that our industry retains quality crew.

When I’m not onboard facilitating dream sailing holidays, you’ll find me hopping on yachts and crossing oceans, delivering them to far-off lands. Behind the scenes, I’m the brains behind creative projects and the tech whiz enhancing Figure Eight’s digital presence.

As a self-proclaimed foodie, I live for lazy long lunches by the sea, basking in the sun with a glass of vino in hand. So, if you’re ever in need of some yacht training or just want to chat over a delicious meal, count me in!

Get in touch:-


Figure Eight Yacht Management
Figure Eight Yacht Management

What We Offer

  • Industry-Leading Independence: Setting itself apart, Figure Eight takes pride in its independence from specific brand affiliations, allowing for candid, trustworthy, and transparent guidance tailored to individual needs.
  • Expert-Led Yacht Management: Founded by experienced yacht professionals, including skilled yacht skippers, chefs, and deckhands, Figure Eight offers expert-led yacht management services with firsthand insights and a deep understanding of the industry.
  • Comprehensive Crew Support: Figure Eight provides extensive assistance and support for yacht crew members, facilitating seamless transitions and career progression beyond yachting..
  • Holistic Maritime Management: With a team that includes experts from diverse sectors such as design, engineering, photography, and brokerage, Figure Eight delivers holistic and efficient management services catering to both private yachts and the dynamic charter sector.